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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

research and planning:completed cover, content page and double page spread

This is my completed work; front cover, content, double page spread. I added a little bit extra underneath the heading on my double page spread, and finished the interview off with Adam; I changed the layout of the pictures and added were you can get in touch with him. I have tried to keep to the 3 colour scheme and also to use different picture which I have done. 

Friday, 20 January 2012

research and planing:20th jan 2012 work

In this lesson I started to do my double page spread, I put pictures on which I thought was appropriate for my magazine. Also I did some of the writing, and the headline to go with it. I did the layout like a Kerrang magazine, type of double page spread because in my questionnaire survey that’s what my target audience liked the most; Kerrang magazine.

Friday, 13 January 2012

research and planning:front cover, content page amnd double page spread

This is my completed front page and content page. This lesson I finished my content page off. Then started to do my double page spread, it's still got a lot of work to be done on it.

Monday, 9 January 2012

research and planning: photos from field

In these photos I went out on the Saturday and look them in the night when it was dark. So that there wasn’t a lot of background in the photo, and it just makes you focus in on the model. I wanted him in red because of my colour scheme which is red black and white. I wanted him standing in trees and on a lamppost because I thought it might be good and a different theme to my magazine. Also I wanted him to look like this band I know who had their pictures done in the woods for a photo shoot, which is what I intended to do.

research and planning: makeup development

In these photos I wanted to make different designs on his face to make his look more like an Indie. Rock person. In these photos I have developed the makeup and have made it and I now no that I want the bottom picture in my double page spread the design of it.
This is the start of my content page as you can see I still need to do a lot of work to it because there is loads of black space around the pictures and were the heading is suppose to go. But I have added the pictures that I want in my content page and started doing the column and adding captions to it 

Friday, 6 January 2012


This is the layout for my content page I decided that it would be easier for me to do my content page on Photoshop instead of in design so this is my layout of it. The boxes are my pictures are going to go and the one at the top is I want my 'content' name to go. At the side of the name I want to put an editor’s note so it gets rid of some of the white space in the content page.

research and planning: double page spread so far

 I have started on my double page spread and done an outline of what I want it to look like. I have put white boxes of were I want my picture which I will be taking tomorrow for my double page spread so that they will fit okay and go with the story.  I have carried the 'sex pistol' font from the front cover, so it links with my other pages.

research nd planning:weather for the upcoming week for my location of photoshots

I want to add more shots for my location and now I know what the weather is like for the upcoming week and I now know that I want to do more shots on Saturday between 11 o clock and 2 o clock because it’s going to be sunny.

research and planning: font for double page spread

I have had a discussion with my tutor and I now know that I have to do my double page spread font in a serif font so that it’s easier for the reader to read.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

research and planning: plan for the week

This week want to finish..........
·          my makeup ideas
·         upload pictures
·         finish story for double page spread
·         double page spread finish off