I have chosen to do my interpretation of what I think my target audience would look like. I have made him like a mocha/ emo person because the music is really heavy music and its the type of bands that people in the stereotype group would listen to. Also I have done him like this because most moshes and skater people look like this with the checkered shirt and the bold shoes. I have also wrote at the side of the picture what moshes and emo's are into and what hobbits they do normally.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Friday, 10 February 2012
Posture: The posture of the picture of Adam who I took, his posture looks really daunting and depressed, this is because in this picture he is singing on of his songs that's comes with at lot of emotion inside it. Whereas the opposite photo also looks like he is into the song and is expressing his feelings though the song. The difference between both postures is that the first picture Adam is looking into the camera; face to face. Whereas the second picture is looking at the floor or at the microphone.
Angle: In both pictures the angles of the person is to the left hand side. This is so that you can see the props in the photo and also what’s in the background. The opposite picture does this really well and it doesn't give to much white space in the photo. Also in the picture I took I have tried to get it to the side as well to make it look like a rock star photograph.
Shot type: The shot types of the 2 photographs are both medium close ups. This is because I wanted to focus on my models facial expression rather than his whole body. I very much like the opposite photograph as well because this really gives a good example of how showing the facial expression better than the one I took, and you also get a clear picture of were about they are, even though the image is a medium close up of the face. The shot type represents the rock because in most of the pictures they are medium close up of the face to show the aggression and the effort that they are putting into the song.
Lighting: The lighting of the picture I took is really dark and makes Adam stand out a bit because the background is in the dark. There is a little bit of light but not much compared to the opposite one. The other one has a white background and looks really light compared to the picture I took. It looks like this one was photo shopped because of the white background. But it still looks like it’s a rock person, because of the way he looks and dresses.
Costume: The costume represents rock because they are dark colours that people associate to rock/indie bands. They wear them colours to make them look fierce and aggression as what you see on there faces. All these put together makes a rock/ indie band.
Expression: The expression on there faces are really focused and they look really into there music. The expressions on of the faces are really fierce and frightful and look really rocky. This represents the social group because they need to look fierce and angry because that is what people associate rock/indie bands to be. And there face paints a thousand pictures just by the look. It makes you want to dance and go mental just by the expression. This is what rock fans want by the music and with the expression of there face it lets your emotions go free.
Hair: The hair of the two pictures are really different, the picture I have took of Adam he has really short hair and the other has really long fizzy hair which normal rock stars have. I think it makes my picture look okay though considering that my magazine is an indie/ rock band and some indie rock bands do have short hair.
Angle: In both pictures the angles of the person is to the left hand side. This is so that you can see the props in the photo and also what’s in the background. The opposite picture does this really well and it doesn't give to much white space in the photo. Also in the picture I took I have tried to get it to the side as well to make it look like a rock star photograph.
Shot type: The shot types of the 2 photographs are both medium close ups. This is because I wanted to focus on my models facial expression rather than his whole body. I very much like the opposite photograph as well because this really gives a good example of how showing the facial expression better than the one I took, and you also get a clear picture of were about they are, even though the image is a medium close up of the face. The shot type represents the rock because in most of the pictures they are medium close up of the face to show the aggression and the effort that they are putting into the song.
Lighting: The lighting of the picture I took is really dark and makes Adam stand out a bit because the background is in the dark. There is a little bit of light but not much compared to the opposite one. The other one has a white background and looks really light compared to the picture I took. It looks like this one was photo shopped because of the white background. But it still looks like it’s a rock person, because of the way he looks and dresses.
Costume: The costume represents rock because they are dark colours that people associate to rock/indie bands. They wear them colours to make them look fierce and aggression as what you see on there faces. All these put together makes a rock/ indie band.
Expression: The expression on there faces are really focused and they look really into there music. The expressions on of the faces are really fierce and frightful and look really rocky. This represents the social group because they need to look fierce and angry because that is what people associate rock/indie bands to be. And there face paints a thousand pictures just by the look. It makes you want to dance and go mental just by the expression. This is what rock fans want by the music and with the expression of there face it lets your emotions go free.
Hair: The hair of the two pictures are really different, the picture I have took of Adam he has really short hair and the other has really long fizzy hair which normal rock stars have. I think it makes my picture look okay though considering that my magazine is an indie/ rock band and some indie rock bands do have short hair.
evaluation: question 1
Fonts and Font sizes:
I have kept the colour of the Kerrang masthead and putting it on top of a black background. Develop
The font sizes for the masthead are the same size nearly, the only difference is that the Kerrang font is in capitals and my font isn't. I have developed the font from the bar at the top because I didn’t really like the black on top of the red and also the font was just big to put in the bar at the top from the Kerrang so I changed the font to Arial black which I think looks better. I have also developed the promotion font as well because the font didn’t really work on my magazine so I decided to change it and personally I think it looks better because it stands out more from the page than on the Kerrang magazine.
The challenge convention font that I have totally changed which isn’t on this magazine is on the second bar. Firstly the 'Electric' font is not on the Kerrang magazine because it's the font that the band personally made. Whereas the Kerrang magazine has just got a similar font to the masthead. I have a different font style to Kerrang because I wanted my magazine to look more unique.
The layout of the two covers are a lot alike for example the main picture the guy's head is over the masthead breaking it up a bit, and also the bar at the top is also the same layout. The picture on the left hand side of the main photo is positioned in the same way.
On the left hand side of the main photograph I have developed the camera shot, one is a medium close up and the other is a medium long shot. The way in which I have positioned the posters are what I have developed I have still placed them at the bottom so they are out of the way of the main headline, but I have organised them in a different way to the Kerrang magazine.
Also the second bar is totally the challenge convention because it right in your face. I have put this in because I found it from another magazine and thought it was really effective. I have moved the bar code to the opposite side of the magazine from which the Kerrang had it on. I have also put in some band names which are inside the magazine to let the audience know what bands are inside the magazine, whereas in the Kerrang there is nothing on the front page about the bands which are inside it.
I have used the same type of photograph for the main magazine photo of Adam as like the Kerrang magazine has done by placing the head over the top of the masthead to give it that little bit of effect.
The posters are what I have developed, instead of a group picture I have took 3 different picture of each of my models posing, whereas they have been developed from 2 different groups starting at the camera and messing about in it. The shot type for the picture of Ryan standing lamp post is a medium long shot were you can see a bit of the background just not a lot. Whereas in the Kerrang magazine it’s a medium close up of the man so that you can see the facial expression on his face. The poster pictures are medium long shot in the Kerrang magazine, this is so that you can see a little bit of the background as well and because the picture are of 2 different groups and a women it needs to fit them all in that’s why it needs to be a medium long shot, whereas the pictures I took are medium close up, apart from the one of Danny who I have done as a long shot so that you can see him jumping. The mise-en-scene of the main photo of his clothing is very much alike to the clothing of the Kerrang magazine with the black clothing.
The challenge conversion on the picture of Adam is that I have put makeup on Adam to make him look more rock type. Whereas in the Kerrang magazine he doesn’t have makeup on him. Also the women at the very end of the posters she is black also, and so is Vivien who I took a picture of, they are also using the same facial expression
I have used the same promotion type. I have done this because it looked really effective and really filled the white space to make it look like there is more detail on the front cover. But I have changed the slogan slightly so it didn’t look like I have copied there idea. I have also used the poster story were they are promoting the posters at the bottom. I used this because on most magazines there are a few posters, and I just like the style of their posters.
I have developed the bar story line at the top. I have done this because they were promoting more stuff and I just wanted to keep it simple and put band names that are inside the magazine, to make it more unique. I have also developed the story line for Ryan’s photograph as well; this is because the story line on the Kerrang magazine didn’t really fit the photograph I wanted to use so I changed it slightly.
I have totally changed the artistes that are shown on my magazine in the bottom right; this is because I thought there was too much white space there and wanted it to look busier. The Kerrang magazine doesn't have the artist at the side though. Also I have changed the main headline. By firstly putting a bar across it and secondly changing the story, of it to make the reader seem more interested in buying the magazine, and I put the bar in there so that it stand out.
The only colour I have used is black which I have got from the colour scheme for the Kerrang magazine. I have also used the same colour for my masthead, which is the same colour Kerrang has used for their masthead. I used this colour because it stands out from the page so it’s the first thing you read.
I haven't developed the colour of the Kerrang magazine to mine.
I have challenged the bar, and made that stand out by going in the colour scheme of red white and black. Whereas in the Kerrang magazine there is no bar going across the magazine, for a headline. I have also changed the colour of the top bar and mad that red, white writing instead of the Kerrang magazine where it was yellow and blue writing.Fonts and Font sizes:
The font size for the side bar is same size as the Kerrang content bar, I have made the heading the heading the same font by using Arial black.
The font underneath the picture on my content is a little different that the Kerrang content because I wanted it to fill up the white space but not making it to big so that it makes it noticeable. I have developed the editor’s note by changing the font colour and the size is a size 10 font, whereas on the Kerrang content the colour is black and the size is a 12. Also the text in the editor’s note is about the next magazine whereas my editor’s note is about the readers and thanking them. I have also developed the content font, the Kerrang magazine looks like it Arial black whereas mine is sex pistol font.
I have challenge conventions on the contact details because on the Kerrang content there isn't one on it but I have found a couple of contents that have this on and thought it might be a good idea to have it on my content to make it different from the rest, to make it unique.
I have used the same layout for the pictures they layout is very similar but I found it hard to put my picture in a layout like the Kerrang one but I have done my best to get it like the Kerrang. Also I have also used the same layout of were the content name is. I have put in the same place as Kerrang because it looks out of the way, but also looks effective in the corner because, it’s not too big. I have also used the same layout of the side bar were you can find everything. I have also kept the layout of the editor’s note, this is because I thought it looks really good there at the top left and I didn't want it at the bottom because I haven't seen any Kerrang or mne magazine have an editor’s note at the bottom.
I have developed the layout of the photos of the magazine this is because I couldn't fit them on so I had to develop the layout of the picture layout so it would suit my magazine. Because my picture were not small enough.
I have totally challenged the contact details. I have put this on because I had some white space on there, so I put it in to fill the space up. I have also seen it in a few magazines at the bottom right, and in the middle. I have also added the follow is on twitter which is just under the content text. I have put this in because I wanted my magazine to look unique, but I have seen it from a mne content page.
The similar photographed I have used in my magazine which is very similar to the Kerrang is the one of Ryan, this is because the one in the Kerrang is outside on a tree and got a medium long shit, and is placed in the same position as the one in mine magazine.
I have developed the one of Vivien from the guy in the black top who is screaming down the microphone I have done this because I did have a picture but it didn't look right I have kept the black clothing I have just developed the pose of which the photo was taken.
I have totally changed the editors picture, on the Kerrang magazine it’s a picture of the next weeks magazine, were as I have took a picture of myself and put it instead of a picture of the magazine. I have also changed the main picture from the Kerrang magazine I have done this because I thought the picture looked better from a long shot angle rather than a close up angle of the face. Also at the bottom of the page I have added the cover of the front page, to add more detail, I saw it on another mne magazine and thought it looked really effective.
In the convent page I have used the same headlines for example features and news. I have also used the same similar stories and putting the artists in the side bar. I have done this because I thought it was a good idea what Kerrang has done and it looked really effective and eye catching as well also simple to read.
I have developed the editor’s note this is because I wanted the readers to read the thank you notes and how they inspired me to do the magazine extract, were as the Kerrang magazine talks about the next magazine which is out in a couple of weeks. Also I have developed the main stories with the pictures underneath them is because the story line from the Kerrang magazine didn’t really grab my attention and I wanted the audience something that they want to read and be interested about.
I have totally challenged the contact details which are on my magazine. I have added these on because I had a bit of space at the bottom and wanted to fill it up. Also so that my content page looks unique, because I have only seen one other magazine like it. Also I have changed the twitter thing underneath the content text. I have done this because I didn’t want to put too much writing on my content page and I think it looks really effective
I haven't used any colours form the Kerrang magazine because I have just stuck to my 3 colour scheme.
I have developed the content colour, and kept the black background from the Kerrang, magazine but I haven't really developed any colour from the Kerrang magazine because it didn’t really appeal to me. Just the side bar has the bold text and font I have developed this because I like the idea of making the subheadings for the content like this so it makes it easier for the reader to see were they want to read.
I have challenged the colour of the clothing of the models that I have used in my content page. Because I wanted to keep to my colour scheme red, black and white.
Fonts and Font sizes:
The font size of the double page spread which I have used from the Kerrang magazine is the band name on the strip that is going across the double page spread. I have also used the same font size for the text on the double page spread, and also have used the same style which I thought is nearly exactly the same.
I have developed the font style of the main slogan title of the double page spread this is because I didn't feel like story would of fitted that and also the colour of the text isn't for my colour scheme.
I have challenged the 'were you can follow him on twitter text' this is because I wanted to make the audience feel like they can talk to the people in the magazine and their favourite band members. Also because I had a bit of white space to cover up and I wanted to fill it up. The Kerrang doesn't have any twitter things or anything on the double page spread.
I have used the same layout of the text because I thought it was really simple but really effective, as well so I kept the same layout I also kept the same bar strip that that goes across the top of the double page spread. The main picture is also in the middle like on the Kerrang magazine, I did this because then the first thing the reader sees and it will draw them in to read the story. I have also kept the heading in the same place because I also thought it was really effective in the place on the Kerrang magazine. I have also kept the introduction underneath the heading in the same place as well.
I have developed the placing of the photographs of the smaller photographs this is because I didn’t want my double page spread to be too busy and I think it looks really good how it is, I haven't really developed much on my double page spread.
I have challenged the extra bit at the bottom about following him on twitter which I saw on an MNE magazine on a double page spread and I thought it was really clever how they have the persons twitter on the side of the double page spread, if any fans want to follow him. Whereas in the Kerrang magazine they don't have anything like that.
I have used the same facial expression in the main photo in the Kerrang magazine. I have done this because I like the facial expression and it make you think why he is doing that pose. Also used the same camera shot for the smaller photos as well.
I have developed the pose of the Kerrang magazine, because I thought that the pose in the Kerrang was a bit less serious than the pose I have done in my magazine. Also instead of putting the whole group in the photograph I have chosen to just put in one model because I wanted to do an interview with just him not with the whole band, to make my magazine a little bit different than the Kerrang magazine.
I have totally developed the facial expressions of the smaller photographs, the small photographs in the Kerrang magazine, are really stupid looking and a jokey kind of face where as my smaller photographs are more serious because it fits with the interview and it’s about his life. But I haven’t really challenged anything on the photographs apart from changing the photographs from black and white to colour.
The story of my double page spread isn’t really the same, I have more challenged my story on my double page spread, because I didn’t really like the story of the Kerrang story, because even though the masthead drawn the attention in it wasn't that interesting because I didn't know the artists.
I have developed the introduction about what the story is about because on the Kerrang magazine it was just saying about their background, whereas I have developed it by talking about the interview itself.
I have challenged the story of the interview itself because on my research it showed that people of my age target audience would prefer to read about interviews and reviews rather than other stuff, like what was on Kerrang double page spread so I took that into consideration.
In the colour I have used the same coloured background; black in my double page spread because it makes the text stand out. Also the colour of the text is the same with the story based. I did this because they used the similar colours to what I use, and I wanted to stick to the 3 colour scheme. I have also used the same colour for the bar on top I did this because I thought it looked really appealing and would attract the reader, also I have used the same colour for the text inside the bar.
I have developed the masthead, and colour of it because the colour didn’t really go with the colour I have done for my double age spread and I didn’t think the masthead stood out on the Kerrang magazine, and I think the black and the white contrast really well with each other, and it the first thing that catches your eye. I have also developed the colour of the pictures, whilst on the Kerrang magazine they had the black and white photos so that the main picture stood out I put them all in colour, but I still think that the main picture stand out on my magazine, because it’s the biggest thing on the double page spread.
I have totally challenged the background of the pictures, and the main colour instead of making it black and white. I have done this to add a bit of colour to the double page spread.Also I have put boarders around the picture, a white background to make the pictures sstand out from the page.
Friday, 3 February 2012
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