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Monday, 19 March 2012

question 7- looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Evaluation-question 6- what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? ishow you part 2

Evaluation-question 6- what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?-part 1-screengrabs of all the technology I have used

I have used in design for my double page spread this is because it was really easy to use for my double page spread because you could see two sides. Because I haven't used this program before at first I thought it was tricky at first. 

 I have used Ishowu in my evaluation, for my magazine. I have also used Ishowu for my podcasts, to show what I have achieved and what I need to work on.

 I have used photoshop for all my progression on my magazine and to make it as well, I don't think I could of done my music magazine without it because I have made things more bolder and more in your face like my front page music magazine. And the banner and the masthead is what I mainly used for photoshop as well as the other bits and the editing I had to do on this program.

 I have used blogger throughout my progress in media so that I can upload my post to update the examiner what  I have used blogger to produce my magazine and to post final drafts.

 I have used  Imac to do my magazine because they have these in media and they are really useful for in design and photoshop. Whereas on a normal computer you can't get it.

 I have used a canon SLR camera to take my pictures this is so that I can take good quality photos and make them really clear, to make it look more professional.