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Friday, 25 November 2011

research and planning: magazine

This is the start of my magazine, I have done the masthead and made it really big and also I have made a slogan underneath the masthead. But I changed the slogan from what I originally wanted to use it was because I thought that 'living on the wild side' reflected more to 'On Edge' more than the one I put in on my production schedule. I have also put a red background onto the back instead of white because the jacket is red and I want to use the 3 colour rule. I want to later put blue headlines on to the front cover to make it contrast with the masthead.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

research and planning: double page spread analise- the poses on the pictures

The pictures are the first thing you see on this double page spread. Is the blackout band doing different poses.The first one that stands out is the one on under the masthead. Also the masthead is really bold like the other one and also it had 'fuck' in red letters, which contrasts well with the black and white.

The picture of  Matthew Davis jumping pulling his tongue out grabs your attention and makes you want to read the story behind why he is jumping like that. Also I have noticed that the text is round the picture. The other photo that stands out is on the opposite page were Rhys Lewis is getting out of the picture, onto the other photo.

Also at the side of the photos the is a circle, at the side of the photo giving a paragraph about the person out of the band, and  for the different  photos there is a different story, to each of them.

research and planning: double page spread - layout

The layout of the double page spread has 3 small photos of diffrent poses of steel panthers in Vegas and then on the right hand side there is a massive picture of the band in vegas. It really colourful and really eye catching for the reader. The the colour contrast is yellow and red and white which is the 3 colour code. Also the masthead of the double page spread is really big and  bold.

 Also at the side of the masthead there are two dice at the side of the masthead to indicate that Vegas is the gambling centre of America. Also there is bold small paragraph about the story to get you drawn into the story. Also there is a club at the bottom left hand corner, on what you normally see on a card this is also related to the gambling in Las Vegas.

The pictures are all of the band members in diffrent places from the casio, at the pool of there hotel, outside a wedding venue and then the massive big one outside the Vegas sign. Also one at the side of the big picture there is an added bit but isn't as much as on the oppisite page. Also under the picture is a sentence which is in black at the bottom of the picture telling you a little bit about it.

research and planning: diffrent fonts for my magazine

I have done some more fonts for my music magazine because I wasn't to sure if I still liked the original one, but now I have looked in more detail into my fonts I a have decided that I really like the second font that I have created on photoshop.

The first font I used was called phlegmy kilmister, I added a drop down shadow, to add effect also I increased the shadow so it stood out, I did this because I wanted it to stand out from the page on my magazine.

The second font I used a font called 'sex pistol'. I used this font because it stood out front the rest, I changed the colour to blue and put a drop down colour on this as well but made the distance a little less shadow instead of the other font.

The third font I used 'matura MT script capital' I used this because I wanted to change the whole of the font style I still used the drop shadow, but not a lot I dont think I will use this because it doesn't really look that indie.

the fourth font I like the colour because I think that blue or the red I will use because in my questionnaire that what most people associated with indie and rock bands them colours.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Colour scheme:
The colour scheme of the clothing really reflects well on the name of the band; the blackout. They are both wearing fully black and the action of the photo looks like they are having fun. The image is a medium long shot so that you can see the jump and so that you can see what the image is all about. The facial expression on both of the faces looks really serious like they are going to kill someone, which is also, is associated with black.

They have used the 3 colour scheme; yellow, blue and black. It makes the page stand out and it looks really unique as well. The colours that they have used, makes me think that they are trying to get a message across, like the colour yellow is represented as saying danger or caution leading up to the killing and frantic image.

plan for the week.......

- To analyses double page spread in different magazines 
- To start on my front page magazine.
- To look into my masthead and the different types of fonts

Saturday, 19 November 2011

research and planning: photos from Lees park

In this photo I wanted to make him look like he is singing live on a stage, this picture is really good quality because of the lighting. The down effect is that Adam is really bright so if I was to this photo I would have to contrast it and use Photoshop to make it less bright.

In this photo I wanted to make him look like he is about to jump, but also singing at the same time, because I have noticed that the music magazines and the people I have analyses different band members facial expressions and what I found was that they look really focused when they sing which I tried getting Adam to do.

In this photo I tried getting him to jump of  the platform. But unfortunately I am not going to use this photo, in my magazine because Adam is really bright and I have cut he shoes off.

Again I tried to make him look focused, I like how the background is pitch black well, I used the non- flash for this. I might use this photo for my double page spread which Adam will be on.

I don't think I will use this photo because I took it at the wrong time and even though it looks like he is singing
 it was done at the wrong time, and I don't really like it also the lighting is really bright on him as well because I put the flash on.

In this photo he is really bright and the white colour balance really shows in this photo, I might use this photo, but I will have to Photoshop it, because its too bright, and there is no photo in any Indie rock magazine, so will have to make some changes if I am going to use this photo.

This photo is good apart from the quality of lighting and I have cut his hand off, which I did bi-accident, because he was jumping in the air.

I really like this photo because it's in good quality and the lighting is perfect for an Indie rock magazine, I want to use this photo in my content page or my double page spread.

In this photo I used the night mode on the SLR camera to get the effects of the lights in the background, this photo is exactly what I want for my font cover because it has that aggression to it, it looks really Indie rock, and it also looks like he is singing as well.

Friday, 18 November 2011

research and planning: photos from hyde clarendon


I took some pictures of Vivien so it looks like she is in an interview. But I may need to Photoshop them to make it so that she looks a bit more Indie rock type person. Also adjust the lighting as well. I want to use these pictures on the contents page maybe. But I want to take some more but in a different location.

research and planning: model headshots

This is Danny; I asked him if I could take a model head shot because he is the type of person who I want for my magazine.

This is Karishma, I done a model head shot but I don't really think she is the type of person for my music magazine because she is more into pop type person.

This is Saul. Saul is also the type of model I want to use because he has the type of hair and also the clothing as well.

This is Kat, I don’t know if she will go in my music magazine or not because she doesn't look that Indie, but she has the clothing on that looks Indie.

This is Amy, Amy doesn't look that Indie, apart from her hair, which some Indie people have, because, they back comb there hair.

This is Beth, her hair also looks Indie, type and also she has piercing as well on her ears which Indie people have.

This is Sam. Sam doesn't look at all indie, he looks like a pop kind of person and I wont be using him in my magazine. Because he isn't the model type I was looking for.

This is a medium shot type of Adam, I like his facial expression and  he looks like  a rock person. I think he would look really good on my front cover. Even though he doesn't really look like like a rock person at the moment I have permission from him to make him like on. The clothes that he is wearing are like the clothes I want him to wear.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

research and planning: hyde clarendon six form shot list

This is what type of shots I want for my music magazine and a description of what effect they will have.

research and planning: shot list for lees park

This is my shot list for lees park and my description of what effects and how am going to use them.

research and planning: Plans for the week

My plan for the week is.............
  •   To start on my magazine
  • To get all my consent form for my models and put them on to blogger
  • to uploads my photos that I have taken in my locations
  • To do more reviews to give me a better incite on my magazine.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

research and planning: pictures of Lees park at night

 As you can see in this photo of Lees Park you can only just see the two poles standing up, and a couple of light at the side of the camera. I took a picture so that you can see that it’s really dark and there isn't a lot of light, this is why I will need to put the flash on the camera.

 This is the entrance to lees park, I put the flash on because I you can see from the other photo there was no lights or anything. But I wanted to take pictures in the dark to make it more like live gig for my magazine.

 This is were I want my model to jump off because it isn't that high and also you can do so good jumps and everything the lighting looks good as well.

This is a extreme long shot of the entrance of the par, so that it shows you wear i will be shooting and also in the night there is hardly any people about which will be less of a risk hazard for my photo shoot.

research and planning: pictures of Lees park in the day

This is were am going to get Adam jumping off, pretending that he is jumping into the crowd, I took a picture to give a better incite of were I am going to be taking pictures

This is a close up of were he will be jumping I want different shot like close up of his face and a long shot so that you can see the location and so that it looks a bit more like a live show type of thing..

This is I want to take a couple of shots as well because it looks like a live place. Also there are no buildings in the background as well apart from a small shed, and its looks like a really good place as well

This is the height that I want Adam to jump from, to make it look like he is jumping on the crowd or on the stage. To make it look more realistic.