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Friday, 4 November 2011

reserch and planning: double page spread final draft

with my double page spread I am going to put a big picture on the top left hand corner, because the first thing the reader sees is the picture, and see if they notice them and if they are interested in them. Also I want the picture to make you think to the reader ' what’s going on there' am going to use a medium close up so that you can see what happening in the photo but your not getting all the information, so it makes you wonder what’s happening. You can also see the body language of Taylor Swift and see that she is talking about something, also the colours in the photo are orange and red colours which are the similar colours I want in my shot.

 In the text I want it to make it sound interesting for the reader. I want to put in about her new album and what she thinks about it and why she made the songs and stuff. Also I want to talk about what made her want to do another album ECT. This is going to be y double page spread, and how I want my text to look like because it’s really easy to understand and it’s also a really simple layout which is really effective as well. The text isn't that big and it is really a lot of text. Also if people are interested in Taylor Swift they would read it because they will find it interesting to read about. Also in my interview a lot of people wanted to read about interviews with members of bands and new album that have come out.

 I have chosen to add my masthead into the double page spread to show that it was our magazine that interviewed her. I want the headline of my double page spread to be bold and underlined so that it will stand out from everything else. The colours on the double page spread aren’t that colourful but its effective and it isn't in your face, but because it’s simple it draws the reader in. 

I may add pictures to the double page spread to break up the text or make some of the text a bit bolder than other what you sometimes see in magazines. Also I might add the album cover of the band is going to do the double page spread for.

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