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Saturday, 19 November 2011

research and planning: photos from Lees park

In this photo I wanted to make him look like he is singing live on a stage, this picture is really good quality because of the lighting. The down effect is that Adam is really bright so if I was to this photo I would have to contrast it and use Photoshop to make it less bright.

In this photo I wanted to make him look like he is about to jump, but also singing at the same time, because I have noticed that the music magazines and the people I have analyses different band members facial expressions and what I found was that they look really focused when they sing which I tried getting Adam to do.

In this photo I tried getting him to jump of  the platform. But unfortunately I am not going to use this photo, in my magazine because Adam is really bright and I have cut he shoes off.

Again I tried to make him look focused, I like how the background is pitch black well, I used the non- flash for this. I might use this photo for my double page spread which Adam will be on.

I don't think I will use this photo because I took it at the wrong time and even though it looks like he is singing
 it was done at the wrong time, and I don't really like it also the lighting is really bright on him as well because I put the flash on.

In this photo he is really bright and the white colour balance really shows in this photo, I might use this photo, but I will have to Photoshop it, because its too bright, and there is no photo in any Indie rock magazine, so will have to make some changes if I am going to use this photo.

This photo is good apart from the quality of lighting and I have cut his hand off, which I did bi-accident, because he was jumping in the air.

I really like this photo because it's in good quality and the lighting is perfect for an Indie rock magazine, I want to use this photo in my content page or my double page spread.

In this photo I used the night mode on the SLR camera to get the effects of the lights in the background, this photo is exactly what I want for my font cover because it has that aggression to it, it looks really Indie rock, and it also looks like he is singing as well.

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